Sunday, June 5, 2011

Plum Blossoms

The plum trees are so beautiful when they are in bloom. Now our front yard is constantly being covered in plums!

Mariah and her Mommy being silly!

Taylor, his date, Ronald, Mariah and Austin.

Can you believe that our little girl has grown up so much?? Time flies! Mariah had a great time at prom and Justin didn't kill anyone!! Sucess in my book! Hahahaha!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas was so much fun for us this year. Mariah could be found under the tree at any time counting and shaking her gifts. Ethan yelled, "That's what I wanted for Christmas!", everytime he opened a gift. And the twins loved crinkling all the colorful wrapping paper. Justin even had the opportunity to play a fun role (check the pictures!!)


One boy down, two to go!!

Ethan is officially potty trained now!! So nice to only have two in diapers!!! He has been doing great at home for a while but he didn't like using the "big toilets" when we left the house. This week was his first week of preschool with no accidents!! I am so happy!!! His little toilet has moved out to the garage and the "big toilet" is now the only toilet. YEA ETHAN!!

6 months!!!!

Caleb and Trenton are 6 months old now!! How the time flies! They had their well check today and each got 5 shots! Poor boys!! Here are their new stats:

18 lbs 4 oz
28 inches

18 lbs 14 oz
27.5 inches

Both boys are growing well and eating well. They are fantastic at rolling over and getting better at scooting everyday.


blue swirls